Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
My being wrong most often is merely in the opinion of some person with a different view.
I'd say persons, plural...
You state this as if this does not happen with monotonous regularity around here. Sadly you also take a one eyed view.
Could be. If so, likely a function of the cataract in my left eye...
Yes it is known US arrogance to flip the rest of the world even after they have really screwed so much up. I say again even if you don't give a damn about what the US has done to the world... maybe you should.
Oh, I care but I also know we've, on balance, done more good than harm. Shame others cannot say that. Equally regrettable that some who know that purposely elide.
I am certainly entitled to restate my opinion just as those on the non-interventionist fringe do with monotonous regularity. You are surely not telling me that you can't see your one eyed slant in all this?
I think the one eyed slant is actually in which view is really the "fringe."
Simple. I am stating the obvious. It clearly gets up your nose despite your assurances that you don't give a rats ass. I don't see you correct any of your misguided fellow countrymen when they state idiotically that the cost of these minor interventions is behind the economic woes currently facing the US. Why would that be Ken?
Because I read all they write and most of them expand on that; you just ignore that bit as you tend to do to all things inimical to your positions.
I suggest you worry less about what I am thinking and concern yourself with more accurately articulating your opinion... and yes... also accepting that your opinion is just that and not necessarily the truth.
"Worry" is an extremely poor choice of words. Tickled is more appropriate.

Of course my opinions are not necessarily the truth -- nor are yours.
...but currently the US and the odd person around such discussion groups set the international standard in arrogance. I guess you just have to learn to live with that .... once again flip the world.
Okay, consider your self duly "flipped," to use your word.
Pay attention...
LOL ... then that places you way out on the ... fringe with him.
Kewel. There's that "fringe" bit again -- I think you might've misplaced it.
"WW2 would be close" he says and you agree. Sad. Now you understand why I don't waste much of my time on him. Maybe you are getting too much of my time as well.
Well, WWII is the last one I can recall -- and I went to most of the others, not one of which merited the force applied. As for wasting time, I'm retired and can piddle away like this for days doing little or nothing of consequence.

I think we've degenerated into nothingness. I'd love to continue to play but must unfortunately go and do things of consequence for a bit. You be nice, hear...

Back to the thread. Syria.