Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
When I looked there had been 34m views of the KONY12 video; I'd be intrigued how many views were of the total video.

Following a comment on Kings of War going viral KoW has been rather busy today, today's comment:http://kingsofwar.org.uk/2012/03/inv...ect/#more-6538 and yesterday's:http://kingsofwar.org.uk/2012/03/lla...us-psychopath/

KoW recommends this background article, from November 2010:http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articl...-lra?page=show

Incidentally the UN's covert operation in 2006, using Guatemalan Special Forces, are mentioned:http://www.thedailybeast.com/newswee...rd-target.html
The Daily Beast article gave some really good background info. The failed Guatemalan attack must have really boosted his prowess, making people believe that he really does have super powers and a connection to god.