I believe were getting lost here.
The Kony2012 video was interresting for the only purpose of flaging the issue.
Solutions in that video and in many articles are just innacurate, out of context and unrealistic. Regime change in Uganda will not stop Kony! Neither will the construction of schools or development of agriculture in North Uganda.

Mixing Kony and the actual prolems Uganda is facing, especially the post Museveni regime, is just missing the target by several univers.
The LRA has become a regional problem in 2008 as from 2006 to 2008 unsucessful peace talk took place in the trail of the 2005 South Sudan peace agreement. Before, Kony went from anti Museveni rebellion with popular support to crazy guy leading a bunch of psychopath terrorising the very same population who was supporting him. Why? Because he got defeated by UPDF.

Now, opposition is very loud in northern Uganda but for very different reasons. Mainly the grip of Museveni familly and friends over politic and economy. Solving the Karamajo and the gold mining issues will not affect Kony, never had and never will. Solving the Acholy land issues will not affect Kony, never had and never will.

Kony and Dominique and few others are just good to be sent to the ICC if caugh alive. That's all. Issues about Uganda and its necessity to find a way to ensure stable passation from Museveni dictarial regime to a democratic regime are completely different from LRA and Kony. The fact that Museveni has a long known strategy of legitimating his position by pointing out the existence of various rebel groups is well known, analysed and can be discuss in another threat (there is at least 1 on Uganda.)

LRA can be assimilated to pirats according to international laws. They have a warrant of arrest issued by ICC. Now the realquestion is not will the US catch Kony but rather why is Uganda asking for US help in that mission which should or could have been ended ages ago. (Specially when UN transported LRA and Kony from South Sudan to Garamba parc in DRC. A stop by The Hague could have been a good idea. But requested b@ll$ from the UN...)