Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
To my great shame, I can't argue strongly against no. 1.

Number 2, I don't think so. However if the USN gets chased out of the western Pacific...

Number 3, never happen.

No. 4 is good advice to those states as is no. 5.
Carl, I come from an area where the word never was often used in defiance but not in an educated sense. I learnt to never say never.

Yes indeed the countries surrounding China must create local alliances and develop/acquire the weapons to keep Chinese hegemonistic tendencies in check. I would also suggest that they as a group start to agitate for the liberation of Tibet.

The US won't do anything significant... so these nations must accept that in their time of need the US cavalry will not come riding to their rescue. Like the anti-communists in Hungry they will be sitting on their roof tops waiting for the US aircraft that will never come.

Taiwan is becoming like a irritating piece of cellotape stuck on the US finger. Can't shake it off. Well it won't be long now before the 'smart' guys in DC figure out a way to dump the Taiwan problem.