Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Isn't that for the Taiwanese to decide? Self-determination and all that?

In a sense yes, and they also flash it at their own people: using an external issue to promote nationalism and patriotism and distract from domestic shortcomings is by no means a new tactic. For that reason among many others, I very much doubt that the current Chinese political dispensation has any desire to try and forcibly reclaim Taiwan.
Self determination much like it applied to the American Confederacy. Mom still gets a vote when baby decides to leave the nest. That is an internal issue they need to sort out on their own; and its good for everyone if they do that peacefully. But if Taiwan decides to play hardball, they may find they too have bitten off more than they can chew. We should not do anything to embolden Taiwan to make bad decisions, and currently I believe we do just that.

But yes, China the matador plays to a global audiance, and that certainly includes their own populace as well. We enable that game as well.