Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear1605 View Post
It is interesting when you ask a military lawyer what is the difference between the Rule of Law and the Laws of War, they instantly say, there is no difference, they are the same thing.
I not only don't buy that, I'll go further and suggest a. they should be relieved and discharged, and b. that they can't tell the difference is a stunning indictment of legal education.

If we (meaning NATO) are in Afghanistan as international cops intervening in a domestic dispute, then I'm all for pulling out and letting the unhappy couple have at it. If we are there because the former government made the place a safe haven for terrorists, we ended the policy with the regime, and we want to ensure that we don't get a repeat, we need ROEs that reflect war time operations, and we need to get rid of fools who don't know or want to know the difference between war and civil law enforcement.