Published by JMIC in Mar 06, but I finally just got around to looking it over:

Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change in Law Enforcement Intelligence
Deborah Osborne’s Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis addresses the changing nature and role of analysis in policing. Osborne’s examination, though, focuses not only on the analytical process, but on the analysts—critical actors who function with relative anonymity.

Osborne employs a provocative method of study: appreciative inquiry. In essence, analysts tell their stories: what motivates them, what successes they have enjoyed, what processes have worked well for them, how they see the future. A picture emerges of women and men who have great passion for their work, and who make tremendous contributions to solving crimes, interrupting crime patterns, apprehending criminals, and even preventing crime. By studying what works, the appreciative inquiry process draws out the themes that characterize these successes: innovative thinking; creative problem solving; intraagency teamwork; collaboration and information sharing among agencies....
The link is to the pdf, but the book is available through both the GPO and Amazon.