Quote Originally Posted by R A B View Post
About a week ago I saw an article that read: "General Petraeus thows Obama
under the bus." My immediate thought was, of course, he would not be a party to the deception that is taking place. Please do not ask where I saw the article. Probably better to not say even if I could remember. (a senior moment). I sincerely hope that in sharing my thoughts I have not offended the enemy. Best regards to all. R A B
PS I rarely share my thoughts, but enough is enough.
Here is the article of which you spoke.


The press release that prompted that article probably sealed Gen Petraeus' fate. I speculate the administration already knew of the affair prior to that and had it ready to use. Using personal things against political enemies is something that the people in the administration have done in the past I've read. So this fits.

What strikes me about this is the vindictiveness involved. Mr. Obama and minions could have just had a word with Gen P and forced him out. Easy enough. But they went after his family. Somehow, someway they got him to announce publicly the affair knowing that would reflect upon his domestic life. Bringing in domestic life brings in family. They know that. It wasn't enough for them to ease Gen P out, they made sure his family was hurt too.

That ain't right.