Take That, Drug Warriors! 9 Amazing Signs We're Heading Towards Sane Drug Policy

We are at a paradoxical moment in our country. We are clearly moving in the right direction, toward a more rational drug policy based on science, compassion, health and human rights. But we need to step up our efforts, grow our numbers, and continue to win hearts and minds because the casualties from the war continue to mount every day. If the people lead, the leaders will follow.
An opinion. I agree the trend where both citizens and officials are challenging the rationale behind the way we're waging this war is increasing and that is a good thing. On SWJ there have been several articles and posts faulting our national leadership for not holding our generals accountable for failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, but those failures pale in comparison to our failures in the "war on drugs", and again no one is held accountable. The strategy for the so called war has never been seriously questioned. We just keep marching on.