
One more thing - you aren't going to see the Brits playing a significant role in the military of former French colonies. Similarly you won't see the French playing a significant role in the military of former British colonies. Both nations have their "comfort zones" and tend to stick with them.

Unfortunately, the US has no such advantages in Africa (except say, Liberia).

Finally, if you consider that US interests in Africa are mainly oil & gas & counter-terrorism (which I don't think will be sustained for long) - I don't think US will have a significant, sustained role in Africa. The interest isn't there, the economic case is weak (US isn't that interested in Africa's commodities, except oil & gas) and US is also downsizing.

On the other hand, China, India & other BRIC nations have a serious economic case for multi-decade engagement with Africa. So US, as always, will be a marginal player in Africa.