Quote Originally Posted by Sarajevo071 View Post
Strange, seams I was right point on acts of indiscriminate killings by Western troops before and how much they don’t care… Seams Karzai finally figuring that too.

Let’s hope he will keep being American friend. He is needed.
Are you sure you are right about that Western troops do not care about killing Muslim civilians?

If so, why do you think the Marines have pulled the MARSOC company that was involved in the shootings near Kabul and are apparently mulling charges against some? To save face? It would be much easier and less embarrassing to simply issue blanket denials, no? Instead the Marines have accepted a major black eye in the international press and also within the Special Operations community, since this was MARSOC's first deployment as a member of JSOC.

Why are Marines currently charged in the Haditha case, and why are Marines currently in prison over the murder of an Iraqi civilian in Hamdaniya?

And that's just my branch of service.

The U.S. and its forces are certainly not perfect. However, the armed men who do not care about innocent Muslim life in these conflicts are all waving the black flag of jihad, not U.S. colors. Has the Islamic Army in Iraq, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, the Mahdi Army, or the Taliban held any of their own responsible for the death of innocent civilians? And we all know about al-Qaeda in Iraq's record --- they specialize in the spectacular murder of men, women, and children.

Can you deny any of what I've written?