From Marc,
A TDY to examine the recruitment potential of "disaffected French 'youth'" ? Well, one old saw deserves another - you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Marc, why does some of this remind me of the "we are French and so to preserve frenchiness, we must disdain all things non-french (or was that Montreal?).

The inability to predict /anticipate change and shape events as such to obtain an advantage vs. recalcitrant attitudes towards the global information environment that result in strategic inertia seems to be our recurring problem.

Why? For all the lip service paid to Transformation the emphasis has been on development of technology as a cure, vs. the application of technology by people (transformative thinking). This is why even with so many C4ISR assitance type tools, so many leaders still fail to recognize decision points in a timely matter (if at all) that allow them to put the enemy at a disadvantage. This seems to be the hallmark of centralized, bureacratic organizations vs. flat, decentralized ones - while both have values, there is a need to adapt/become flexible enough in the face of change to meet the needs of the problem at hand - I think this illustrates the need for more debate about how we prosecute this and future wars, and what type of organizations and leadership will be required to win them.