I was general counsel to an investment banking company back when personal computers were making their way onto the brokers' desks. The Compliance Department was concerned that it would lose control of communications with customers and unauthorized data might be used to induce a trade.

As it turned out the opposite happened. The computers and email enhanced communication with the customer and it enhanced the supervisors ability to monitor that communication as required by securities regulations.

Today, I arbitrate a lot of disputes involving the securities business and these electronic business records are a routine part of the evidence submitted usually by the brokerage firm to prove the customer was aware of things he now claims he was not.

The point is that commanders can deal with their concerns without inhibiting communications. They can control the inappropriate communication without shutting down legitimate communications that enhance the war effort. As others here have pointed out, the communication is still going to take place. If someone is making an inappropriate communication they will also have a record of that too.