Oh you again...

Yes that is where the Chinese are different to the Brtis and French in their modus operandi but there will come a time when they just can't stand by and let their 'investments' be threatened.

A hint for you on where to educate yourself on the watershed moment for China betweeh arms length almost risk free use of bribery to gain access to natural resources (and increasingly land) and the need to get involved in peace and security actions to protect their often substantial investments is South Sudan (with more to follow).

There is a lot going on here - in Africa - as no doubt in your neck of the woods and my best advice remains that you (and others) make sure your children learn Mandarin Chinese with the first word being 'boss'.

Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
I'm sure China's rivals would love to see them walk in there and smack that tar baby, but do you really think they'll oblige? They are not geniuses, but I think they are smart enough not to repeat the white man's folly. I think they have very little interest in taking over and no interest at all in solving problems: they'll cut deals with whoever's in power, extract all they can, and move on when things fall apart.