Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
Yep. We'll see how we do in the 2016 election.
It will not go well Carl... says me sitting far away from the US. Collectively the US electorate does not have the smarts to make an intelligence voting choice... as the world has learned from history.

Two current matters to ponder. First in an earlier post we see how the guys who got it right didn't get elected and now we see the loser in the last election also got it right back in 2007:

In 2007, Romney Predicted Current Events In Iraq So Accurately He Must Have Had A Time Machine

Now the US is about to elect another failure to the highest office...

I ask every American I run into who supports Hilary to list her achievements while at State or anywhere and... you guessed it... nothing.

Not one success story which is a record to make her a sure fire winner in the next election. So for heavens sake stop trying to export the American version of democracy around the world... its already badly scewed up and don't need it to get any worse. Yes Carl its happening in our lifetime... the implosion of the USA.