Nobody outside Nigeria seems to figure out the significance of this attack. I've been shouting myself hoarse that a critical "red line" has been crossed.

Nobody is paying attention.

Lagos (AFP) - The head of Nigeria's Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for a bombing in the capital Abuja and an attack hours later in Lagos which the authorities tried to cover up, in a video obtained by AFP Sunday.

In the 16-minute video, Boko Haram chief Abubakar Shekau also voices support for the extremist Sunni Islamic State (IS) militants who have taken over large swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria.

He mocks the social media and protest campaign Bring Back Our Girls, which emerged after the Islamists kidnapped more than 200 schoolgirls on April 14 from the remote northeastern town of Chibok.

The girls, whose abduction has drawn unprecedented attention to Boko Haram's five-year rebellion, are not pictured in the video, which was given to AFP through similar channels as past messages.

One previous recording showed more than 100 of the hostages, some of whom are Christian, reciting Muslim prayers.

Shekau also said his loyalists carried out twin car bombings in May in the central city of Jos and a June attack at a public health college in the northern city of Kano.

As you can see from this map, Lagos is very far away from Nigeria's North East. If Boko Haram can strike Lagos - the consequences are what I'll discuss (at length) when I have the time.