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Thread: Ukraine: military (Aug '14 to mid-June '15) closed

  1. #1781
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    Now we see the real US foreign policy ie strategy towards the aggression being carried out by the Russian Army inside another country--all just talk and the problem will disappear.

    We have a large nation bullying a smaller one in the SOTU speech, we have the Russian Army willingly annexing the Crimea and "vacationing" in eastern Ukraine and it is what "back to business as usual"?

    Makes no sense.

    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-22-2015 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #1782
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    Really worth the read to understand the current Russian understanding of their UW strategy and how they are carrying it out. …

    Is Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism?

    Published on Thursday, 22 January 2015 09:12 Written by Taras Kuzio

    PART ONE of the article

    As France and Europe mourned and condemned the senseless terrorism in Paris, the European Parliament only a few days later, in a tough resolution on Ukraine, refused to describe the Russian-sponsored separatist enclaves in eastern Ukraine as “terrorist.” Why the double standards?

    Promoting terrorism

    EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini’s proposal to the EU to return to business with Russia and not only ignore its state-backed terrorist campaign but even its hybrid war was rejected by member states. US Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey has declared that the threat of Russian aggression and terrorism in Europe are growing. After all, the arrest of five Russian citizens in France on January 20th on terrorism charges showed how futile it is to try and sanitise developments in one part of Europe and separate them from those in another.

    Europe’s focus on Russia’s hybrid war has ignored Russia’s second front of promoting terrorism in Ukraine. While the hybrid war in the Donbas seems far away for most Ukrainians, the terrorist campaign, which is spreading and becoming more deadly as seen in explosions in Kharkiv, which injured 20 people, and Zaporizhzhya which derailed a train, are very much closer to home. On January 20th the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council introduced heightened security measures throughout the country because of the growing number of terrorist attacks.

    Intelligence reports point to these terrorist attacks as not being the work of “lone wolves”, as in Boston, Ottawa, and Paris, but a well-coordinated campaign orchestrated by Moscow. Coordinating centres ‘Novaya Rus’ (New Russia) are training groups of 3-5 Ukrainian and Russian citizens in Russia (Belgorod, Tambov, Taganrog, and Rostov), Crimea and Moldova’s frozen conflict zone of Transnistria.

    Training is provided by Russian military intelligence (GRU), which controls the “little green men” that led to the annexation of Crimea and capture of state buildings in Donetsk in the spring, and are known as such because of the absence of country insignia on their uniforms. The Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia’s domestic intelligence service that is tasked with operating not only in Russia but also throughout the former USSR, is also involved in providing intelligence and training.

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and military intelligence have captured terrorist groups Svat, Dzygit, Staryy, Pryzrak, Kharkov Partyzany, Kulykove Pole, and Koban. Captured terrorists from the Svat group who were active in the Mariupol region have testified to attending training camps in Sevastopol where they were taught how to build bombs and undertake urban guerrilla warfare, reconnaissance, and intelligence operations behind enemy lines.

    Russian weapons and explosives have been intercepted while being sent using private postal services. Roadblock checkpoints have also discovered explosives and weapons hidden in cars and trucks travelling to Kyiv from Eastern Ukraine. In one incident near Kyiv last month terrorists travelling in a car that was randomly checked threw hand grenades at traffic police.

    The greatest concentration of terrorist attacks have taken place in four key areas – the capitol city of Kyiv, the two swing regions of Odesa and Kharkiv, where in the spring of 2014 pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian forces battled for control, and the port city of Mykolayiv which was temporarily occupied by separatists and is key to any Russian attempt at establishing a land bridge from Russia to Crimea. Security expert Oleksiy Melnyk from Kyiv’s Razumkov Centre believes these four cities are “where Russian-backed forces feel there’s still a possibility to destabilise the situation.”

    In spring of 2014, Russia invested enormous resources in destabilising Kharkiv and Odesa, which after the failure of these operations have borne the brunt of terrorist attacks.

    The battle for Ukraine

    In May, the PBS Frontline documentary “The Battle for Ukraine” reported how pro-Russian vigilantes were trained and paid 40 US dollars per hour by Russian intelligence to beat up “Ukrainian fascists” (i.e. EuroMaidan supporters). Ultimately their plans were foiled by the mobilisation of Russian-speaking Ukrainian patriots and in Kharkiv patriotic football fans coined the well-known chant “Putin hhuilo!”, which translates as “Putin is a dickhead!”. Kharkiv-born Interior Minister Arsen Avakov assisted local patriots in defeating the pro-Russian Oplot (Bulwark) vigilantes who moved to Donetsk to form Donetsk People’s Republic Prime Minister Aleksandr Zakharchenko’s elite forces. Oplot was one of a number of separatist organisations sanctioned by the US government last month.

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) believes that Oplot members now operating underground in Kharkiv have undertaken these terrorist attacks. In Kharkiv, terrorists have targeted the city’s prosecutor’s office, a military hospital, a furniture factory owned by a Euromaidan activist, and a rock pub called Stina (“Wall” in English) where EuroMaidan activists gathered. An underground explosives and printing factory in Kharkiv was closed down in October and a number of separatist organisations were banned. In an ongoing anti-terrorist operation in Kharkiv, members of the Iskhod terrorist organisation were captured.

    In Odesa there has been calm since early May, when street battles between pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian forces led to over fifty deaths, mainly of pro-separatist activists who died in the Trade Union building. But, since the Minsk peace accords the number of terrorist attacks have markedly risen, and after seven recent attacks Kyiv dispatched National Guard units to Odesa to assist the local police forces.

    A group of five terrorists were detained in Odesa in September of last year who had been trained in Russia. A second detained terrorist group had planned to copy the violent seizure of state buildings undertaken in the Donbas in the spring. One terrorist accidentally blew himself up last month while planting a bomb at a military academy. Other terrorist targets have included Euromaidan civil society support groups who collect supplies for Ukraine’s military, shops owned by these activists, train lines, and freight cars transporting oil. On January 20th, three were shot in Odesa, including a volunteer who had been collecting supplies for the Ukrainian army.

    Besides these four strategic targets, terrorist groups planning to commit acts of terror have been captured by Ukraine’s security forces throughout the country from Trans-Carpathia and Lviv in the West, to Zhitomir, Khmelnytskyy and Vynnytsya in Central Ukraine, and in the Kyiv metro and near Kyiv’s Borispil airport. In eastern and southern Ukraine, terrorist groups have been captured in Zaporizhzhya, Odessa, Kherson, Mylolayiv, and Dnipropetrovsk. Two terrorist attacks targeted the private home of the popular Mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyy, whose new Samopomych (Self Reliance) party came in third in the October 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary elections. Kharkiv Mayor Hennadiy Kernes survived an April assassination attempt by Oplot.

    The Dnipropetrovsk region, led by Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch and Governor Igor Kolomoyskyy, is on the frontline of the Donbas conflict and is key to supplying Ukrainian army and National Guard units and treating wounded casualties. Last month the SBU detained a group backed by the Communist Party planning to launch a series of terrorist attacks in Dnipropetrovsk against banks and military bases. Pryvat Bank, owned by Kolomoyskyy and his business partners, has been nationalized in Crimea and has been extensively targeted by terrorists in Ukrainian cities.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-22-2015 at 03:42 PM.

  3. #1783
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    Is Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism? …

    PART Two of article

    Five goals of Russian-backed terrorists

    Generally speaking, terrorist groups have been trained by Russia with five strategic goals.

    First, blow up train lines (as in Zaporizhhya this week) and key government buildings, launch small-scale hit-and-run attacks on offices at military-industrial plants, bomb anniversaries of World War Two victory and Ukrainian Independence Day rallies, military recruiting centres and National Guard training facilities.

    Second, destabilise and terrorise the population and provoke panic in the different regions, according to a SBU communiqu.

    Third, collect intelligence on movements of Ukrainian armed forces and National Guard battalions. Terrorists mingle with the civilian population operating as spotters for separatist artillery and grad missile attacks against Ukrainian security forces. Terrorists have been captured with intelligence on key economic targets such as the Mariupol port, with the purpose of planning future terrorist attacks.

    Fourth, establish underground print shops to publish pro-Russian separatist leaflets and newspapers propagating the ideology of New Russia as well as hostility to pro-European Ukrainians, who are collectively referred to as fascists.

    Fifth, infiltrate Ukrainian National Guard battalions to collect intelligence about their locations, strengths and weaknesses, and military plans. Russian and separatist forces absolutely loathe volunteers fighting in the National Guard, and when they are captured they have been summarily executed.

    Je suis Volnovakha

    At the close of 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putins New Russia project was shelved after pro-Russian support failed to materialise in fourem1716 Russian-speaking regions of Eastern-Southern Ukraine while in two others, the swing regions of Kharkiv and Odesa, pro-Ukrainian forces eventually gained the upper hand. Russia controls only a third of Donbas territory and has been unable to dislodge Ukrainian forces from strategic installations such as the Donetsk airport. The current Russian-led offensive is, according to Zakharchenko, aimed at taking control of the whole of the Donbas. This will meet stiff resistance from pro-Ukrainian regions of northern, western and southern Donetsk and northern Luhansk, which have negative experience of separatist control from the Russian occupation of their regions in the spring and summer of 2014.

    While the New Russia project has been shelved, President Putins hybrid war and terrorist campaign continue to operate together. Over the course of the winter months Russia is seeking to establish a more coherent and united separatist military force from a multitude of often warring groups, and towards this end has stationed up to 10,000 soldiers in the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples Republics. Russian military equipment continues to cross into Ukraine, including inside so-called humanitarian convoys, according to the Moscow representative of the ICRC, and Ukrainians estimate there to be 8, 000 Russian troops in eastern Ukraine. In the last week, BBC news reports have shown Russian marinesclearly evident from their lapel badgesfighting in the Donetsk airport.

    The Donbas conflict has killed 5,000 civilians and upwards of 10,000 Ukrainian, separatist, and Russian combatants. Officially no state of war exists between Ukraine and Russia as Kyiv is undertaking a so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO), while Russia continues to deny it is intervening in Ukraine. Nevertheless, 80 per cent of Ukrainians believe their country is at war with Russia and only ten per cent believe relations between both countries are friendly. Meanwhile a high 85 per cent of Ukrainians believe relations with Russia are difficult and hostile and consider President Putin, who is personally blamed by Ukrainians for the stab-in-the-back annexation of Crimea and inflaming of the Donbas conflict, the most negatively-rated foreign leader. A recent Gallup poll found that only five per cent of Ukrainians approved of President Putin, including as low as even 12 per cent in Ukraines Eastern and Southern regions.

    If the Donbas conflict returns to full-scale hostilities as looks increasingly likely - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko may have little alternative but to introduce a state of emergency as a prelude to declaring Ukraine to be in a state of war with Russia. Donetsk Airport is already Europes first Stalingrad since Second World War.

    The Ukrainian government has sent criminal claims to the ICC (International Criminal Court) and the European Court on Human Rights (ECHR), charging Russia with financing and supporting terrorism, annexing Crimea, and corporate raiding Ukrainian-owned businesses and state structures. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has said that Ukraine is seeking compensation from Russia for its war of aggression and terrorism against Ukraine, and international recognition that Russia has violated the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, adopted by the UN in December 1999.

    Russia has long become what the US State Department calls a state sponsor of terrorism according to Section 2656f(d) of Title 22 of the United States Code. The US State Department determines countries to have provided support for terrorism pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act.

    Donbas separatist groups fit the definition of international terrorism and there are multiple sources that point to Russian training and military support for violent separatist and terrorist groups in Ukraine. Russias use of special forces in the spring to back the initial separatist campaign, Moscows extensive supply of high-tech weapons such as the BUK missile system that shot down the Malaysian civilian airliner, and training of separatist and terrorist groups classify Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

    Nevertheless, there is still a lack of political will at the highest levels of the EU and US to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. Washington does not want to recognise the DNR and LNR as terrorist states, as Ukrainian President Poroshenko requested during his October visit to Washington DC, because to do so would lead to the next step of Russia replacing Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism alongside Iran, Sudan, and Syria. If the US defined Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, the EU would be obliged to follow suit and extensive tougher sanctions would follow.

    After the murder of 11 civilians on a bus this week by Russian-backed and -supplied terrorists, it is time to also say Je Suis Volnovakha! A return to a Yalta-style divided Europe cannot be permitted, with human rights on only one side of the fence, and terrorism should be viewed as terrorism wherever it takes place.

    Taras Kuzio is a research associate at the Centre for Political and Regional Studies, Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta and non-resident fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Relations, Johns Hopkins University.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-22-2015 at 03:42 PM.

  4. #1784
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    I have mentioned here a number of times --Bosnia is the model Putin now envisions for the Ukraine and that does not bode well for the EU and or NATO.

    #Putin has design to effectively divide #Ukraine into spheres of influence, similar to #Bosnia
    Read … @chrisbrulak

  5. #1785
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    #Russia|n troops moved through the #Ukraine border under cover of air defense systems - #NATO

    Another 25 RF army tanks+BMP+500 troops are in #Stakhanov,one report says
    Aim is to create a boiler around #Krymske


  6. #1786
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    GIANT #Russian_Army column moving through #Donbas.

    While #Russia talks of the withdrawal of heavy weapons,it reportedly sends #BM27 to #Makeevka

    Russians relocating BM-30 Smerch 16kms from frontline. Range: 70-90 kms. … Steinmeier...?

    Ukraine Pres #Poroshenko -army in tank battles,3 #Russia tank,2 ammo truck destroyed

    #Analysis #Map
    #EVIDENCE: Multiple Russian invaders' BM-21 fire from #Horlivka at #Debaltseve

  7. #1787
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    Nato colonel sheds light on Russia 'psy-ops'

    More photos of soldiers with Russian insignia in Donetsk

    #Kremlin sends to fight in #Ukraine recently dialed "conscripts" #Petersburg #Russia.

    Stakhanov is here... CP31 was overrun recently. +43 vehicles means it'll get REALLY HOT there soon.

  8. #1788
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    At first the Russian troops and mercenaries would tell you in their interviews that they were fighting the Nazi's, the fascists and the junta---that changed about three months ago and now you get this as their fighting propaganda--kill Ukrainians.

    #EVIL itself attacks #Ukraine
    Invader: "This is for your peace!" - and 4 BM-21 start to fire.

  9. #1789
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    What again is the exact role of German diplomacy as it seems the US Obama NSC has deferred to Germany since the US has no strategy?

    If in fact we have the Russian mercenary leader of the DNR openly stating what the goals of the Russian and Russian mercenary offensive is then WHY does the West seem to think "talking" will get anything done---notice the german FM comments---the only thing that came out of Berlin was a repeat of a single point that was already in the Minsk Agreement ANd did not Lavrov in his press conference openly to the world state the "separatists are listening to our suggestion to pull back to the Minsk lines---DID anyone see that in the last five days and as well today?

    So was the Russian FM simply lying to gain more time for their offensive?

    GermanForeignOffice ✔ @GermanyDiplo
    FM #Steinmeier in Morocco on Eastern #Ukraine: Call on all sides to implement the agreement reached in Berlin.

    #Donetsk leader Zakharchenko says he doesn't want peace talks, and there won't be a ceasefire, but new offensive to take remainder of region

    Zakharchenko: We need to take Slavyansk before we take Mariupol. We need Slavyansk's water supplies. This is why we aren't pushing there now

    BBC Breaking News ✔ @BBCBreaking
    Pro-Russia rebel leader in east Ukraine says his troops are on the offensive - he does not want truce talks

    German "public" media does not repot on the fall of Donetsk airport
    It would blast its(Russian-pushed) narrative of an "Ukrainian offensive"

    AGAIN just what is the inherent German position towards the Ukraine? --as a perfect example take this particular German member of the OSCE-SMM that is in the Ukraine AND he was not "neutral" which is the requirement for being on those types of missions.

    Seems he was tweeting Pro Russian propaganda and when called out on it by the social media suddenly his tweeter account was closed--telling.

    By the way this is not the first time OSCE has been caught in supporting the Russian "story" and using their vehicles to transport mercenaries around the battlefield.

    Wonder who wanted the OSCE in the Ukraine badly--was pushed by Russia and the OSCE is again not neutral?

    This is the seem OSCE that allowed Russia for years to not destroy their required number of tanks and APCs that are now in the Ukraine.

    BLOG: @OSCE_SMM observer Herbert Meyer-Bade is tweeting STRAIGHTOUT Russian Propaganda ttp:// …

    Ukraine@war @DajeyPetros
    Yesterday I blogged about Meyer-Bade (@OSCE_SMM monitor), tweeting Russian propaganda. Today his account is removed.

    Does @OSCE REALLY want to say that crater near #Leninsky bus was 8 meters NORTHEAST of it?

  10. #1790
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    Putilovsky, #Donetsk
    Not a building on the street that hasn't been hit... Heavy shelling still audible from airport

    Level of destruction in #Donetsk's Kievsky district near airport unbelievable. Whole buildings razed. A ghost town.

    Russian army warehouse & weapons in Sukhodilsk, Krasnodon

    Russian soldier with DNR flag 20kms from Ukraine border ready to enter

    Growing fights -#Gorlovka #Ukraine:People en masse leave the city,wounded fighters.

    Brand new #Russian_Army 2B26 Grad-K system takes part in shelling #Donetsk #airport
    NOTE: even more new Russian equipment never seen outside of Russia and the Russia FM says what again--prove it---here it is.

  11. #1791
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    Weird vehicle in recent Ukri Cyber Cam might be this?
    NOTE: another photo for the Russian FM showing Russian equipment in the Ukraine---he must have been in an altered state of reality when he made that statement yesterday---where is the evidence prove it.

    Ukr fighters at #CP29: "Russian forces use new, heavier weapons against us. One example is #Grad with 120mm mine warheads.

    NOTE: more proof for the Russian FM

    Battel tact gr of Rus troops+militants moved to Debaltseve platoon. Incl 12tanks, 25arm comb veh, cannon art -Tymchuk

    Constructed by a #Russian_army MT-55A AVLB, I would say.

    Ukr forces eliminated a group of over a dozen of militants heading to #Donetsk airport, 1 militant detained

    #Luhansk bridge collapsed under #Russian_Army BMP-1.
    Army sappers built new one!

    Terrorists located Smerch MRLS N-W of Makiivka for fire support at #Donetsk direction

  12. #1792
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    If the entire West and the Obama NSC really wanted to get serious and to stop the current Russian offensive to grab more Ukrainian territory dead in its tracks---here is the single point of failure for the entire Russian economy that will even get the attention of a rather lately quiet Putin.

    Seriously--Russia is going to go to war over SWIFF--if the West falls for that line then they really do need to pack it in and go home.

    VTB's Kostin @wef: We already have an alternative to SWIFT, but if the US exclude us from SWIFT this means war.

  13. #1793
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    Should actually be interesting to see if there is a single response from any western leader, political party and or political organization ie OSCE, EU, NATO today to the declaration of war against the Ukraine issued just this morning by the DNR Russian mercenary leader.

    The intent of this declaration could not be clearer and notice as of this minute 12am Berlin it has not been refuted by the Russian FM, Putin and or any Russian news media so just what does that tell us and one does not need the NSC and a glass ball to figure this one out.

    So again now just what is the US/EU/NATO strategy again after that big statement in the President's speech that large countries cannot bully smaller ones---or was it just another "sound bite" moment by the WH/NSC?

    I took a beating from commenters here when I stated that Putin had to make a decision at the beginning of the sanctions--to back off and or go for it as that is his geo political goal--I tipped he would go for it and that has never changed since I stated it over six months ago.

    He has been dead set on getting the land corridor to the Crimea and cutting the Ukraine off from Odessa and Mariupol which gives him as well almost complete control of the Black and Azoz Seas and places the Ukraine economically in a dependence position to Russia.

    A number of commenters here defended the use of negotiations and diplomacy and that got us to this moment and has basically totally failed.

    THEN this today-----

    BREAKING: #Zakharchenko's 'declaration of war' on #Ukraine
    Clear DNR, w/ territory it has now, lacks infrastructure to sustain life, economy. W/o Moscow bringing into fold, needs all Donetsk region.

    So the urgent question I keep posting here is ---OK National Command Authority and NSC just what is the strategy for Russian and the IS?---as the world is slowly realizing there is none outside of words.

    Great fanfare yesterday about how many IS killed and how many leaders killed but the last time I checked IS was still gaining in the ME and openly competing to take over the AQ top spot globally.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-23-2015 at 11:14 AM.

  14. #1794
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Should actually be interesting to see if there is a single response from any western leader, political party and or political organization ie OSCE, EU, NATO today to the declaration of war against the Ukraine issued just this morning by the DNR Russian mercenary leader.

    The intent of this declaration could not be clearer and notice as of this minute 12am Berlin it has not been refuted by the Russian FM, Putin and or any Russian news media so just what does that tell us and one does not need the NSC and a glass ball to figure this one out.

    So again now just what is the US/EU/NATO strategy again after that big statement in the President's speech that large countries cannot bully smaller ones---or was it just another "sound bite" moment by the WH/NSC?

    I took a beating from commenters here when I stated that Putin had to make a decision at the beginning of the sanctions--to back off and or go for it as that is his geo political goal--I tipped he would go for it and that has never changed since I stated it over six months ago.

    He has been dead set on getting the land corridor to the Crimea and cutting the Ukraine off from Odessa and Mariupol which gives him as well almost complete control of the Black and Azoz Seas and places the Ukraine economically in a dependence position to Russia.

    A number of commenters here defended the use of negotiations and diplomacy and that got us to this moment and has basically totally failed.

    THEN this today-----

    BREAKING: #Zakharchenko's 'declaration of war' on #Ukraine
    Clear DNR, w/ territory it has now, lacks infrastructure to sustain life, economy. W/o Moscow bringing into fold, needs all Donetsk region.

    So the urgent question I keep posting here is ---OK National Command Authority and NSC just what is the strategy for Russian and the IS?---as the world is slowly realizing there is none outside of words.

    Great fanfare yesterday about how many IS killed and how many leaders killed but the last time I checked IS was still gaining in the ME and openly competing to take over the AQ top spot globally.
    "Hold onto your chair---here comes 1914----"

    Ukraine readies move ATO to full-scale war as DNR "PM" Zakharchenko outlines plan to expand DNR-LNR to all of Donbas

    Who in the 21st century would have even thought that the US/EU/NATO would on their own "allow" a full scale war in Central Europe to even be thought possible.

    WHEN the West assumed that soft power would always work that was the first mistake and the mistakes have gotten bigger since then especially when they did not immediately go to hard sanctions---dragging one's feet is not a strategy when dealing with Putin as he correctly assessed the West as unwilling to defend it's basic values even with force if need be. I have never seen such a disarray in the American foreign policy as the last eight months have clearly shown.

    No imagination, no vision, no out of the box thinking, no adaptation to changing events---nothing except words. AND yet we wonder why the Baltics and Poland have been so vocal lately and have been trying to warn the US leadership but basically were either sidelined or ignored. This also includes a massive critique of the very poor quality of western media coverage of the Ukraine.

    They seemed to have completely misread Putin and his "ethno-imperialism" which is just another form of fascism and they completely misread that diplomacy will work. They also apparently never read the new Russian UW strategy and they sure did not understand "political warfare".

    Ukr forces at the frontline are being reinforced, incl w/ reserves and volunteers - ATO spox presser

    To a degree this completely discredits the German diplomacy approach which has regardless of what many thought--- been proRussian from the start.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-23-2015 at 11:59 AM.

  15. #1795
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Should actually be interesting to see if there is a single response from any western leader, political party and or political organization ie OSCE, EU, NATO today to the declaration of war against the Ukraine issued just this morning by the DNR Russian mercenary leader.

    The intent of this declaration could not be clearer and notice as of this minute 12am Berlin it has not been refuted by the Russian FM, Putin and or any Russian news media so just what does that tell us and one does not need the NSC and a glass ball to figure this one out.

    So again now just what is the US/EU/NATO strategy again after that big statement in the President's speech that large countries cannot bully smaller ones---or was it just another "sound bite" moment by the WH/NSC?

    I took a beating from commenters here when I stated that Putin had to make a decision at the beginning of the sanctions--to back off and or go for it as that is his geo political goal--I tipped he would go for it and that has never changed since I stated it over six months ago.

    He has been dead set on getting the land corridor to the Crimea and cutting the Ukraine off from Odessa and Mariupol which gives him as well almost complete control of the Black and Azoz Seas and places the Ukraine economically in a dependence position to Russia.

    A number of commenters here defended the use of negotiations and diplomacy and that got us to this moment and has basically totally failed.

    THEN this today-----

    BREAKING: #Zakharchenko's 'declaration of war' on #Ukraine
    Clear DNR, w/ territory it has now, lacks infrastructure to sustain life, economy. W/o Moscow bringing into fold, needs all Donetsk region.

    So the urgent question I keep posting here is ---OK National Command Authority and NSC just what is the strategy for Russian and the IS?---as the world is slowly realizing there is none outside of words.

    Great fanfare yesterday about how many IS killed and how many leaders killed but the last time I checked IS was still gaining in the ME and openly competing to take over the AQ top spot globally.
    I took a beating from some commenters here on my use of the term "an altered state of reality" when referring to Putin and his leadership team.

    The Ukraine held to three unilateral ceasefires and took heavy loses after not even returning counterbattery fire when shelled repeatedly, the Russian troops and their mercenaries have been relentless in shelling Ukrainian towns and villages, and they openly attacked the airport all the while "claiming" that it belonged to them based on the Minsk Agreements which was a blatant falsehood, Ukraine offered to hold to all points of Minsk, even signed the Minsk Agreements, offer a special trade status for the Donbas, offered a special political arrangement BUT conditioned on the mercenaries holding to Minsk , Russian pulling out it's troops, withdrawing support to the mercenaries and closing the entire Russian Ukraine border.

    AND Russia signed the agreement by the way so they know they own requirements under Minsk but ignore it anywhere just as they ignored the 1994 Budapest Memorandum when it suited them.

    AND on top of the above Putin floods troops and heavy equipment into the Ukraine all the while stating "it ain't me"--AND by the way never a single western intelligence service provided briefing by any NATO member to "disprove" Putin---did anyone notice that subtle approval of Russian moves into the Ukraine by NATO?

    OR is there some reason the West has remained totally silent and left that up to the social media to prove beyond a doubt and even had the gumption to use social media open source analysis at the UNSC instead their own analysis?

    ABSOLUTELY nothing was done by Russia outside of uttering words, words and more words.

    NOW from Putin today and if anyone here at SWJ can convince me Putin is not in "an altered state of reality" I am totally all ears.

    This is the height of hypocrisy by a nation state in the 21st century.

    #PUTIN:Russia received no clear response from #Kiev on ways to settle crisis,Ukraine began full-blown attacks instead

    From Interfax today---another "altered state" comment--by the way Russia completely ignored the Ukrainian response after Berlin as they did not want to hear it--the Ukraine stated shortly after the Berlin meeting that the Russian proposal was already anchored in the Minks Agreements and that both Russia and the mercenaries were not adhering to the agreement and they would pull back whenever Russia signaled they were ready to adhere to Minsk and start implementation.

    What Russian really wants is via this proposal to reopen the Minks Agreements and make changes because the Agreement actually goes against the mercenaries and Russia got a bad deal in the agreement so they are trying to pressure the Ukraine to renegotiate it.

    14:13 PUTIN: MOSCOW DID NOT RECEIVE CLEAR RESPONSE FROM KYIV CONCERNING PROPOSAL TO WITHDRAW HEAVY WEAPONS FROM LINE OF CONTACT==is already in the Minks agreement--seems Russia cannot read well these days what they themselves actually signed.

    MORE "altered state" that flies in the face of reality from Putin--somehow the idea that the Donbas is not Ukrainian territory and they are not responsible for the territory --but Russia is does not seem to sink in
    Putin blames Kiev for "criminal orders" that led to thousands of civilian deaths …”
    Yep. Kiev always to blame
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-23-2015 at 12:37 PM.

  16. #1796
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    "Hold onto your chair---here comes 1914----"

    Ukraine readies move ATO to full-scale war as DNR "PM" Zakharchenko outlines plan to expand DNR-LNR to all of Donbas

    Who in the 21st century would have even thought that the US/EU/NATO would on their own "allow" a full scale war in Central Europe to even be thought possible.

    WHEN the West assumed that soft power would always work that was the first mistake and the mistakes have gotten bigger since then especially when they did not immediately go to hard sanctions---dragging one's feet is not a strategy when dealing with Putin as he correctly assessed the West as unwilling to defend it's basic values even with force if need be. I have never seen such a disarray in the American foreign policy as the last eight months have clearly shown.

    No imagination, no vision, no out of the box thinking, no adaptation to changing events---nothing except words. AND yet we wonder why the Baltics and Poland have been so vocal lately and have been trying to warn the US leadership but basically were either sidelined or ignored. This also includes a massive critique of the very poor quality of western media coverage of the Ukraine.

    They seemed to have completely misread Putin and his "ethno-imperialism" which is just another form of fascism and they completely misread that diplomacy will work. They also apparently never read the new Russian UW strategy and they sure did not understand "political warfare".

    To a degree this completely discredits the German diplomacy approach which has regardless of what many thought--- been proRussian from the start.

    While @GermanyDiplo did bla bla in Berlin, Russians took Donetsk Airport & now Zakharchenko declares war. Well done!

  17. #1797
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    SA-22 Greyhound on the border with Ukraine … #Ukraine

    Two Russian army 2S1 in #Frunze near the #Bakhmutka front.
    Picture link -> source.

    Russian delegation to @OSCE_SMM's JCCC pulling out of #Debaltseve bc of "deteriorating security situation"

    The Ukrainian town of #Shchastya was under heavy #Grad and artillery fire, almost for the whole night.

    Ukr forces at the frontline are being reinforced, incl w/ reserves and volunteers - ATO spox presser

    Huge queues in Dnipropetrovsk as people donate blood for Ukrainian soldiers

    SP Councilman: 138th Motorized Brigade from Russia's W District to be shipped to #Ukraine on 9 Feb

    One source here:

    80 conscripts of the 138th Motorized Infantry Guards Brigade in St. Petersburg were forces to sign for immediate dispatch on February 9.

  18. #1798
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    A perfect example of Russian disinformation TV

    Do you recognize? It is the inventor of 'crucified boy'. Yesterday at the parade of prisoners in Doentsk risen again.

    Welcome to RU media:same woman:told story ab"crucified boy",was injured in #Volnovakha,witnessed shelling in #Donetsk

  19. #1799
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    Russian troops and mercenaries are trying to move on Mariupol now.

    Tymchuk UPD 22/1: #Russia-terrorist troops attempt to advance to #Mariupol

    Tymchuk: Mariupol region, intense fighting continued. Advanced groups of Russian-terrorist troops could not move N/NE of the city. ...
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-23-2015 at 12:38 PM.

  20. #1800
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    Addressed to the US senior civilian leadership and the other western leaders as well and it goes to the heart of the current lack of a western strategy at any level. As well as the western media.

    BBC just carried the comments by the Russian mercenary about not wanting to talk to Kiev about a ceasefire BUT totally somehow forgot to mention that in the same press release he was going to war to take all of the Donetsk region--actually kind of a big think in the media world but totally overlooked by BBC---wonder why?

    John Schindler @20committee
    How much evidence does Putin need to provide that he's doubling down, not backing off, now for Western press & politicos to notice, care?

    NOW we see the formal structuring of the Russian Ground Force Commander of all Russian forces and mercenaries inside the Ukraine---they have been there all the time and were picked up by social median open source analysis but totally ignored by western media--wonder why

    Understandably @OSCE SMM in Ukraine implies JCCC "business as usual". But not so. Separation of command staffs is PRELUDE to major conflict

    Separate Russian Command HQ is CLEAR indication that Russian Ground/Airborne Forces and DPR/LPR militias INTEND to make major offensives

    Separation of Russian from Ukrainian Chiefs of Staff in Eastern Ukraine came after Vyaznikov consulted General Staff (Gerasimov) in Moscow.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-23-2015 at 12:54 PM.

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