#Russian artillery section was destroyed. via @tombreadley pic.twitter.com/XNXONWCBu9

Russian media write about Russian casualties in fierce fighting near Debaltseve, East Ukraine tsk area

LNR/DNR announced "voluntary mobilization" (=run out of troops again). Leaving aside semantic nonsense it means next batch of troops from RU

Destroyed Russian convoy near Donetsk http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/8-febru...y-near-donetsk … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/csIFzod9uN

Killed near #Debaltseve militants had identity documents of #Russia.
via @24todaynetua http://24today.net/open/302511 pic.twitter.com/2PBqGUtAgT

Another Russian army Pantsir S-1 air defense system in the center of #Luhansk.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExDnfT81eZ … pic.twitter.com/rWkalQExQK