Quote Originally Posted by Rifleman View Post
Overall I think you bring out some good points but I respectfully disagree about rifle teams.

Some of the best combat riflemen this country has ever produced have been forged on the anvil of competitive shooting. Competitive shooting is an invaluable discipline even if the training and competition are not combat specific. The training reinforces the basics of marksmanship and the competition requires disciplined shooting under stress. These are always good things.

Gunnery Sergeant Hathcock is perhaps the best known example of a competitive rifleman who was a stunning success in combat. Here are examples of some others:



May rifle teams flourish long after dog and pony shows are a dim memory!
And on that note, DoD ought to buy the mailing lists of every department of natural resources in this nation and target junior hunters when they reach 17...Show me a kid who is comfortable in the woods and can hit a squirrel in the head with a .22 at 75 yards with open sights and I'll show you a newly minted E-1 with potential...Any marksmanship matters. How in the world can the Army promote themselves as the pre-emminent ground force in this nation and not field a team?

Why do the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels exist? They have young kids watching and they light a dream, they evoke pride...Last time I checked this was an all volunteer force...You need volunteers, talented volunteers are even better.