Quote Originally Posted by slap
I agree with that which is why they put in the Second Amendment.
The point is that the the Second Amendment, as an amendment, is not necessarily a permanent fixture of the Constitution.

Quote Originally Posted by slap
ask any good street cop around and he will tell you inter-racial crime is rare!
'Inter-racial crime' is rare because people are more often targeted by someone they know (or that knows them) rather than a stranger. This is also why gun-owners and their family members are most at risk of homicide or suicide by gun. Since the trend towards self-segregation is still strong, it is not surprising that inter-racial crime is rare. This is why over 80% of white homicide victims were murdered by another white person. If you are a white person, slap, you should beware of other white people. Especially if they own a gun. And especially if they are male. You know - just the 'raw data' speaking.

Quote Originally Posted by slap
Great big No,No,No.....it is guns against UNARMED or UNPROTECTED victims....that is always the missing part of the equation that the PC crowd leaves.
How many terrorist attacks have been prevented to date by the 'good guy with gun'?

Quote Originally Posted by Slap
People decide to kill not guns
Yes - and people who already own guns make that decision more frequently than people who do not own guns. It probably has something fundamentally to do with the easy availability of firearms combined with their higher efficiency in killing than other weapons.

Quote Originally Posted by Slap
Should we ban Cars and make the place all safe and fluffy!!
This is a fallacious argument. First, cars are not inherently designed as weapons. Second, firearms are inherently designed as weapons. The purpose of a weapon is to kill its target. The auto industry has been required to implement a wide range of safety features to make the automobile safer. Operating a motor vehicle requires a license with picture identification and insurance. And the right to operate a motor vehicle can be revoked for any number of reasons. We shouldn't ban cars - but we should endeavor to make driving safer.

Quote Originally Posted by slap
but so what again?
"So what" is your response that firearms are the most dangerous threat to the lives of law enforcement officers? Are you anti- law enforcement slap?

Quote Originally Posted by slap
We should be using the National Guard at home like we did in WW2, to protect soft targets.
Uh huh...