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Thread: Russo-Ukraine War (Jan-March 2016)

  1. #181
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    OSCE Camcopter S-100 #UAV hit by small-arms fire near Stakhanov in Luhansk region

    Russian heavy artillery shelling Opytne and Zenit north to #Donetsk all through the afternoon.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    @JulianRoepcke BILD EXCLUSIVE

    How Russia finances the Ukrainian rebel territories

    Research proves w/ Donbas people interviews, official DNR/LNR data and excl. intelligence,#Russia systematically took over eastern #Ukraine.
    In the intel world one constantly looks for the case of eastern Ukraine the question has always been what is Putin's intent? pressure the Ukraine over the EU and on and on...THERE has never been a full discussion on whether he really wants to annex eastern Ukraine or not.

    With this Bild analysis the answer is very clear...he is after a full annexation regardless of what he is saying publicly which we all know he always lies.....

    THIS is extremely interesting as the town Debaltseve was during the Minsk 2 talks where Putin was the heart of the agreement...Putin constantly demanded that Debaltseve was to be under Russian occupation and even Merkel was dismayed by his demands---at the same time extremely heavy fighting broke out with actual Russian troop units attacking repeatedly Debaltseve until it was captured.

    BTW--the actual town of Debaltseve as actually in Minsk 2 fully in UAF territory--while the heavy fighting was ongoing the US, France and Germany said very very little.

    During a press conference Putin "crowed" about the UAF being totally surrounded and that they must surrender...BUT surprisingly the UAF was able to withdraw all 3K troops and their heavy weapons much to the surprise of the Russian Army.

    NOW with this article we fully see that Putin and his military where working towards a full capture of the eastern Ukraine ie a military annexation BUT due to the heavy UAF pushback which surprised even the Russian military that annexation and total takeover did not occur.

    REMEMBER during the Debaltseve fighting the Russians held a massive one sided tank count of over 500 AD Obama was refusing ship TOWs as he did not want to "escalate" the fighting OR as was reported he was afraid the Russians would escalate even higher....WHICH they did anyway multiple times since then even when the US did not send the TOWs.

    Russia must’ve anticipated this prop-up of separatists when insisted on railroad city Debaltseve @ Minsk.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-16-2016 at 08:04 PM.

  3. #183
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    Not bad for a Sunday morning.
    #Russian (left) and #Ukrainian (right) language news coverage of our #DonbassReport

  4. #184
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    Ulyukayev concocts a theory of how there isn't any global growth to argue backwards to "normal" of Russia … Lame

    Some are arguing the Ruble will not fall further as the oil price will not sink any more...but wait it is headed to 16 USD.....and they planned their budget at 40 USD per barrel....

  5. #185
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    @OSCE_SMM issues spot report confirming sniper shooting of OSCE vehicle

  6. #186
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    Pity the article is in Ukr only: WHY Ukraine shall NOT change the Constitution and pass the elections bill in Donbas

    The Russian Generals’ Funeral March (Statistics and Infographics 2.0)
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 08:31 AM.

  7. #187
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    12:20 #Avdiivka @tiamat007 Shelling in #Opytne-#airport area raged. Grenade launchers and small arms

    New Russian mercenary tactic to raise funds.....
    My friend who believed 'all calm there' lies, went to #Donetsk. He was cast into cellar. His parents raise money for ransom"

    12:22 #Donetsk #Proletarsky ds @DoneckiiPatriot Several distant explosions were heard

    12:24 #Avdiivka @owl_ok One can hear strong explosions towards #Opytne

    09:18 #Donetsk @UkraineSuper1 2 outgoing shots from #Oktyabrsky towards #Avdiivka

  8. #188
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    Mark Galeotti @MarkGaleotti

    Interesting on how #Russian #organizedcrime hides cash in #Ireland IFSC funds + land - via @Independent_ie

    tho I also wonder how much of this is true mob money + how much embezzled/capital flight money

    Russian mafia money" is being routed through Ireland concealed in massive hedge funds,
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  9. #189
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    How much longer can Putin maintain a two front war....with oil at under 30 and still sinking AND then this cost just for the eastern Ukraine....

    BILD calculates Russia is spending c.79 million euros/month on salaries, pensions in Donestsk & Lugansk

    THIS does not count the troop salaries and military supplies that also total over an estimated 5M USD per day.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 11:18 AM.

  10. #190
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    Another great example of just how poorly Obama, Kerry and the entire NSC is functioning these days and again there is simply no strategy for anything much less Syria....

    Social media has been carrying this theme for over now 18 months... I have posted countless comments concerning this topic here at SWJ on the Ukrainian would think that out of the entire 700 person NSC someone......but at least Kerry could read is all there to be read and thought about complete with links for fact checking......

    AND yes no amount of "messaging" is going to resolve this development....

    Finally waking up to the problem. America to investigate Russian meddling in EU - via @Telegraph …

    BTW---this is the really first time western MSM has stepped up and addressed what social media has been drum beating for over 18 very long months.....WHY is that????

    BUT here is the core Obama problem...investigate in Obama speak just means a article, a possible PR release and or a Twitter really does not mean he will do anything concrete.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Another great example of just how poorly Obama, Kerry and the entire NSC is functioning these days and again there is simply no strategy for anything much less Syria....

    Social media has been carrying this theme for over now 18 months... I have posted countless comments concerning this topic here at SWJ on the Ukrainian would think that out of the entire 700 person NSC someone......but at least Kerry could read is all there to be read and thought about complete with links for fact checking......

    AND yes no amount of "messaging" is going to resolve this development....

    Finally waking up to the problem. America to investigate Russian meddling in EU - via @Telegraph …

    BTW---this is the really first time western MSM has stepped up and addressed what social media has been drum beating for over 18 very long months.....WHY is that????

    BUT here is the core Obama problem...investigate in Obama speak just means a article, a possible PR release and or a Twitter really does not mean he will do anything concrete.
    TRULY think about this really goes back to the true concept of Russian non linear warfare driving in support of a political warfare set of goals....

    Regardless of all the Obama and Putin exchanges Putin has not come off his non linear warfare towards the US, Ukraine and now Syria.....

  12. #192
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    Paul Goble @PaulGoble1

    Moscow Propaganda and Disinformation Spreading from Mass Media to Academic Output

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Paul Goble @PaulGoble1

    Moscow Propaganda and Disinformation Spreading from Mass Media to Academic Output
    Sunday, January 17, 2016

    Moscow Disinformation Spreading from Mass Media to Academic Output

    Paul Goble

    Staunton, January 17 – When most people think about Russian disinformation now, they think almost exclusively about stories directed to a mass audience, be it via the print media or the Internet. That is a certainly a serious problem, but attention to it has kept many from focusing on what may be an even more serious development.

    That problem is the spread of propaganda and disinformation from these mass media outlets to what are ostensibly scholarly publications, a development that represents a return to some of the worst excesses of Soviet times when scholars were forced to follow the party line on issues of importance to the Kremlin.

    And this development threatens both Russian scholars who, while they may not have to cite Lenin as their parents and grandparents did, have to hew the Putin line on such issues and Western scholars who may not recognize the way in which this new “party” line has infected nominally “academic” research.

    The challenge of identifying and countering such propaganda and disinformation in ostensibly academic articles is far more difficult than pointing up the latest lies, misrepresentations and distortions in the statements of Russian officials or commentators. It requires more time, more expertise, and more effort.

    But it is an effort that is well worthwhile, and everyone who is concerned about accuracy can only be grateful to those who take the time to analyze such pieces and show how they weave together misrepresentations with real facts in order to lead astray both Russian and Western audiences by promoting the Kremlin’s ideology.

    A remarkable example of this is provided this weekend by two members of the International Circassian Council, Iyad Youghar and Adel Bashqawi who analyze one such example of Russian disinformation and in so doing highlight both the insidious nature of such things and the reasons it has to be done (

    They focus on an article by two researchers at Russia’s Southern Federal University entitled “The Circassian Question: Transformation of Content and Perception” that has been published in Bylye gody, vol. 36, no. 2 (2015): 450-460 ( Perception).

    Among the distortions this brief work contains, Youghar and Bashqawi point out, are the following, each of which reflects Russian efforts at disinformation cast in terms that make the article sound less like propaganda than like scholarship and that as a result are likely to be accepted by many and inform the thinking of those less attuned to the issues involved.

    First, they note, the article not only falsifies dates of the Russian-Circassian War which lasted from 1763 to 1864 but rechristens that conflict as “the Caucasian War,” a Russian innovation which ignores what really happened in the western North Caucasus.

    Second, the article suggests that “the so-called Circassian question” only became “hot” in the run-up to the 2014 Sochi Olympiad. In fact, Circassians have been protesting Russian actions in their homeland for a long time, most prominently in recent times in 2007 when Moscow invented the idea that the Circassians had been “voluntarily” associated with Russia for 450 years.

    Third, the article presents as fact Vladimir Putin’s mistake about the history of the Sochi coastal area. He talked about the Greeks settling there in antiquity without making reference to the fact that it was already populated by Circassians.

    Fourth, the article says that the rise of the Internet has allowed Russia to expose Circassian falsifications and overcome Circassian resistance. In fact, Youghar and Bashqawi say, the worldwideweb has led to greater Circassian activism and greater attention to the real history of the Circassians.

    And fifth, the article blames outside powers for everything bad that has occurred in the North Caucasus and presents Russia as being an invariably positive force, a misrepresentation that falls on its face if one examines any of the records of the conflict and the genocidal expulsion of the Circassians by Russian forces.

    In Western academic life, any article that got so much wrong would be the subject of intense criticism by other scholars. But Russian articles of this kind often seem to get a pass, with those who read them forgetting to do the basic fact checking that they would insist upon if the article were published anywhere else.

    It is time for that to stop, not only for the benefit of those in the West who need to know the truth about what Moscow has been doing but also for the benefit of scholars and others within the borders of the Russian Federation who once again are being spoon fed the kind of propaganda that many had hoped had ended with the demise of the USSR.
    Exclusive" in pro-Kremlin tabloid: "Germans will have to choose between Nazism and Islam"
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 01:33 PM.

  14. #194
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    Militants violate truce 36 times in eastern #Ukraine overnight

    Five border guards were detained at Chonhar checkpoint for taking a bribe: The Security Service of Ukraine tog...

    Dirty propaganda wars in Russia.
    Senior Chechen officials follow Kadyrov w remarkably belligerent comments about the Russian opposition.

    Enemy militants in #Donbas received about 15 thousand tons of ammunition from #Russia in recent months.

    In #Pisky and #Opytne Russian militants have repeatedly fired Ukraine's army from grenade launchers and small arms.

    Kremlin Trolls @KremlinTrolls
    Contradictions of Russian propaganda:
    Nina Kouprianova ==> @NinaByzantina

    All you need to know about #Ukraine #War - #Russian heavy howitzer moves in #Makiivka #Ukraine :
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 01:56 PM.

  15. #195
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    @guardian People in Donbas,Ukraine allege gangs of Russian-backed terrorist forces kidnap young girls and earn money by trading them abroad

  16. #196
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    #Ukraine's Alamo: How '#Cyborg' defenders of #Donetsk airport saved the new Ukraine

  17. #197
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    Under the rubric of...just what the heck is Putin up to.......??????

    RF has deployed 70th motorized brigade under the guise of "peacemakers" to the border of Ukraine.

    Selbsternannte Friedensstifter,oder was macht die fernöstliche 70.Brig. im Rostower Gebiet?
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 03:50 PM.

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Once a month columns of Russian army trucks arrive in #Ukraine w/ millions of rubles for separatist “states”

    LNR authorities demand taxes for 2 moths in advance. Reports that small businesses going to strike or closing.
    via @olgarjpthju
    Apparently, Moscow is using Abkhazian banks to send money to the Donbass. Birth of a new secrecy jurisdiction?

  19. #199
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    More Russian info warfare.....under the rubric crazy.........
    Russian "cossack": Turkey already deployed 1,5M soldiers at Donbass
    . … via @ZhidoBandera

  20. #200
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    Russia's actions have turned #Donetsk into a parallel universe

    The island of Donetsk … via @ecfr

    Compelling dispatch from inside the "DNR" virtual republic

    Shellings resume for the day.........
    Horlivka, 5 pm - "Minsk cease-fire started" . Battle to the SW.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-17-2016 at 05:26 PM.

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