Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
Yet Mair was able to reload this weapon and fire I three times without interference.
Yes, but it is easy to speculate that a gun being fired was not a sound instantly recognised by those nearby. One elderly man did tackle him and was stabbed. It is quite possible shock was a potent factor, although maybe not enough to stop them phoning or filming. After Mair left the scene IIRC many people went to her aid.

In addition, only one of the three "Britain First" witnesses has confirmed publicly that Mair uttered this phrase.
I know one witness has been id'd as an ex-BNP member. Perhaps we shall learn more at the forthcoming trial or in a documentary.

There is no indication that Mair had any contact with Britain First despite his links to American and South African White Supremacist groups.
That is rather disproved by the below photo, IIRC from a nearby Yorkshire town and taken in October 2015, which was circulated via Twitter later. Yes perhaps he just stood there for a moment. On this blog there are links to it's origin:http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.co...t-protest.html

This partial blog examines the witness claims, plus what he said to the unarmed police officers who arrested him nearby and the odd Britain First explanation:https://theintercept.com/2016/06/17/...assassination/

It is curious how the "Remain" campaign's chief proponents in Westminster are treating Jo Cox's death as a near martyrdom for EU membership...
British politicians were in a state of shock and given the EU Referendum campaigning your view does not come as a surprise - we will know by Friday AM what the result is.