Quote Originally Posted by TROUFION
They work at cross purposes, gangs intent: to get rich, gain power, live fat. Can't do those things if you destroy your bread and butter.
I'm unconvinced of this point. That American 'gangsta' rappers remain immersed in a culture that not infrequently kills them after they've become fairly rich suggests their goal is not, in fact, merely to become rich and live a fat, happy life. If it were, they'd leave the 'game' after they made a few million. It's not as though rich men who aren't gangsters have a difficult time acquiring the sort of perqs the rappers enjoy.

I suspect, though cannot prove, that the rappers are fairly representative of the average gangster in this regard.

Sociology tells us that the socialization process is vital to the formation of identity. If one grows up in a gang-infested area, it stands to reason that the values one internalizes will not, by and large, be typical of 'mainstream' western society.

To reinforce Stevely's point, that certain gangs are classified as national security threats in Latin American countries suggests that they're not particularly concerned with preserving the integrity of their 'host' nations.

Additionally, this paper suggests linkages--some actual, most theoretical--between gangs and terrorism (start with page 9 for the relevant bits).