Rob - saw your comment on the SWJ blog entry and since not all Council members peruse there and comment (hint / hint) I'm reposting here:


I've gotten e-mails and read comments that - oh well - all colonels are A++ and it is kind of like luck of the draw on who makes it and who does not. Seems to me that this is peacetime promotion board (like there should even be such an animal) talk. Eventually we will know who made the cut and who did not and hopefully that will shed some light on this BS non-selection.

I've also been told that because SWJ and others have made this an issue we are potentially pissing off the brass and may be hurting COL McMasters' future chances. Many are the same people who say with a straight face "you don't understand the selection process and what the board members were presented". Yea right.

Both are smoke-screens to stifle any debate on WARTIME leadership and the type of commanders this country deserves.

Moreover, I stand by my opinion that this issue seriously affects perceptions - especially those of the junior and mid-level officers dedicated to winning the long war and are at the tipping point on whether to stay or bolt. Many of them looked to McMaster as a glimmer of hope in these most difficult times.
