Quote Originally Posted by redbullets View Post
Even now, after my Baghdad conversion, I think back to when I was a Reagan Republican and listened to Limbaugh and shouted at the left on Crossfire, and like to believe that I had some ability to assess critically what my political "betters" and the media were telling me. I stuck to my view that the Republicans/conservatives were more practical and better managers even during years in the rather, uh, left-leaning humanitarian community, until I saw firsthand what was shakin' on the Euphrates.

I cringe when I see the large numbers of Pentagonians reading the Washington Times on the bus during my commute. There's too much reliance on the pundits as an excuse for news outside the Beltway, and too much reliance on same for opinion inside, I reckon.

we all go through transtitions based on which particular fish bowl we swim in; I used to run into the exact opposite when married to an AID officer/former Peace Corps volunteer. That proved good training for active embassy membership as it revealed favorite avenues of attack for those who presumed military equals neanderthal.

and now that I am still in (as a DAC) but out as an active duty Soldier it is interesting to watch the struggle with democracy as a series of windmills, forever targeted for attack.
