Quote Originally Posted by jastay3 View Post
Unlike conventional missiles a suicide bomber can chicken out and not only refrain from exploding but defect to the enemy and betray his comrades.
AQIZ ensured this would not happen early on by rigging each "martyr" with a "command detonation device" should the participant get cold feet. The overwatch element would break trigger if it looked like the "missle" would scat.

When 44% are coming from Saudi (probably with a salafist background) and a full 10% of the 124 suicide bombers who's nationalities were known came from such western countries as Britain, France, Spain, and Italy, one can make a pretty good argument that it's not a 15 year cultivation program as you've stated. That's only 124 bombings. I don't know offhand, but I'd be willing to bet there have been upwards of 500 suicide bombings in the last 4 1/2 years.

Something quick and radical, I'd submit to you, is happening in these countries and I'd almost guarantee it's started since 2001. I'll leave it to Marc to extrapolate the meanings of these stats like only an anthropologist can.