We have a somewhat significant presence of Wiccans here at Ft. Campbell. My previous experience with them has been that they are just lapsed Christians or someone who stopped going to church and/or always had some kind of nativist/paganist philosophy amenable to the love of nature (or something). However, what I've observed locally is relatively good-looking Wiccan women working in the local coffee shops and retail stores proselytizing the soldiers who patronize the stores. Then, one soon starts to see Wiccan decals and things on the vehicles the soldiers drive to the stores. I must say I find the process interesting to watch. I would say that in an average week's time, about two or three soldiers get converted. Now, I don't know enough about it to say if it's threatening or not. I've tried reading up and learning about it, but get all confused with the likes of Norse mythology and my hands full studying other, more threatening phenomena, but I'd love to hear your perspective on it, Marc. Perhaps they have some ju-ju that is of some value.