The more I think about it, the more I'm sold on this civil religion thing. Christianity (which I'm assuming is prevalent), or Wicca (what have you), can be something running private and independently of whatever other related sensibilities a warfighter carries with them. Ritual expressions of patriotism can be religious in this sense, but I'm worried about the effects of cognitive dissonance. I've often thought that the jihadists have an advantage over us because the socio-political expressions of their religious mantle are more consonant; i.e., their God is more warrior-like. I would imagine transmutations of that sort take place among Christian warfighters, but don't know for sure. I would say there's a drive towards ju-ju (there, I used the word), a need for something magical, if you will, something that connects or integrates all the reasons together and seems cosmic at the time. Such "flashes" of insight could very well be the social cement that Rousseau and Durkheim were trying to get at. Perhaps there is some sense in keeping one's religion private.