1-See your chief, get the security thing fixed, you are going to need it for the best stuff. Should not be a problem, many analyst types have this that work at Police dept.

2-Contact local FBI office join local VICAP task force(this is real profiling not TV bull****)

3-website www.popcenter.org (Problem Oriented Police Site) this is the best! They have a number military style "how to do it" manuals on many crimes. This is all fast start stuff. They even have several manuals on how to be a crime analysts. They even have an online real time analysis program you can use.

4-I will PM you with some names and numbers for personal contacts. You can use my name, maybe kick open a few doors for you.

5-Keep reading on this website amazing how much you can adapt to police work. Pay attention to JEDBURGH's stuff he was an LE analyst or still is.
Good Luck.