Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
Much more likely a direct response to the killing of 15 Turkish soldiers last week.

The House resolution will make any U.S. request to Turkey much more expensive politically.

The PKK waves the red flag. This will not be unnoticed in Turkey.
If some of the PKK are looking for a fight, they've come to the right place. I just can't imagine why they'd deliberately bait the Turks. Do they actually believe that they'll be better off under Turkish Army occupation? There are at least 140,000 Turks on the frontier, and another 120,000 behind them engaged in keeping a lid on the local populations. Some of the Turkish generals have been champing at the bit for half a year, and the General Staff reportedly completed planning back in late June or early July.

It seems that almost all of the players, on both sides, are trying to drive the Turkish Government to kick over the applecart, and see what happens. Be careful what you wish for...