Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
Come, come. You all are in the military bureaucracy. Never gotten a signature on something your boss didn't read through?
Actually we're all retired. Can't speak for the others but for me the answer to your question is no -- not because I'm Joe Straight Arrow but because that kind of stupidity almost always gets caught so it's a waste of effort and I'm lazy. And State is far more bureaucratic than the Army...

My recommendation is to make it a single signature system. Why? Because that narrows responsibility down to one person who is on the hook for it. That means that audit can sample visas and go over them with a fine tooth comb. The more signatures you put on a paper, the more it spreads the blame.
Good plan. If you aren't into reporting stuff but are convinced there's a weakness and care enough to mention it, you could always write about it on a weblog.

The vast majority of those acquiring visas this way are just ordinary folks, no better or worse than anyone else wanting "to get out of fookin' Rocciya". It's a low priority on my stack. Very low
Yeah, I have low priority stuff also. Rarely mention it at all.

Maybe I should hang out a shingle? "Corruption Specialist"
I dunno. What with all the debates about scientific ethics nowadays that might not be a good plan.