Hi Ken,

Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
While that is certainly a correct statement in regard to much argumenation, I'd also suggest that there are those who have very flexible views on those "certain terms" but in certain fora elect to not reveal that flexibility and instead take an exceptionally strong position for a variety of reasons not least to impress upon others the urgency of what they're saying with respect to a particular aspect -- and concomitantly force those in disagreement to take an exceptionally or even excessively contrary position and thus reveal weaknesses.

Been my observation that the truth usually lies in between...
I would certainly agree with that observation! Honestly, that's why I was trying to focus my commentary on the "stated" views. Possibly due to my classical education, I'm a great believer in in vino veritas - I would really like to sit down over some beers with Gian, and a whole host of other people here () and just talk.