on mission requirements, discard the parochialism ("too hard," "lengthy training," "too many tasks" and so forth) and not get wrapped around the semantic axle (the choice of words, terms or branches as opposed to the other, philosophical 'semantic' axle).

Makes no difference if you re-role the FA as Infantry, Military Police, Constabulary, Imperial Strom Troopers or Plerztbarginfers -- what will make a difference is that they're productively employed.

FWIW, I've been briefly an Artilleryman, a Radio Section Chief and a Tanker, for a longer period Cavalry, SF and MI and for a far longer period, an Infantryman. I've "advised" two Armies (at Bn and at GHQ level) and served alongside almost a dozen more. Having also been in the Marines as a Tanker and a Scout Swimmer I'm the very soul of eclecticism (new word). Point of all that is not a brag but to lend credence when I say most branch "difficult, constant training, etc." noise is turf protection and parochial bias, no more (before anyone flames, this applies at the entry and basic military tasks application levels, not to full spectrum operations and the coordination and conduct thereof). All those jobs are difficult and all do require some specialized training -- but todays troops are capable of a whole lot more than a 1970 Project 100,000 model -- for whom our training system was designed (and which is only now starting to change).

A change resisted by many who like the old ways...

Which are gone, never to return.

Anyway, we can discard the Constab term and go with Plerztbarginfers, which we can abbreviate as PBI.