Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
Hi Mike,

Sounds like a plan. I'll be interetsed in seeing your research, since I am very interested in the HTTs.

Groovy, we can share.

I'm just getting started with it, but essentially it'll be one thread of three woven through the book I'm working on (under contract with Hurst & Co Publishers), the other two "terrains" being material/physical and cognitive (broadly understood). Another way of looking at it is in terms of the "cultural turn", "geo" turn, etc., in the way researchers, investigators and military planners navigate the shoals of extremism and political violence.

I've been beating the "terrain complexity" mantra in a couple other threads, which is an outgrowth of research and writing I've been doing on sanctuaries. Basically, so the logic goes, one can't look at "sanctuary" without looking at the system/context/environment from which it sets itself apart (in turn based on the notion that sanctuary is as much process/condition as it is place/space, all of which are metaphors for exemption/exception/intermediacy).