Quote Originally Posted by Norfolk View Post

@ Having reviewed a fair bit of your work over the past few months, Mike, I have to say that an Air-Mechanized concept for Airborne Infantry is certainly a concept worth considering and developing.

@ But why the M-113? While I quite agree that the LAV/Stryker is quite unsuitable for anything but Aid to the Civil Power and Internal Security (it was after all, originally designed as an armoured car for Police use, and is quite suited to ACP and IS), the M-113 has been a known horror from the beginning.
Can't believe I'm back posting on a Mike Sparks thread, but welcome Mike. Kinda of curious to see how you perform.

@ Have you read the book? Makes things far from clear in my opinion.

@ The M-113 is good design once you do all the stuff that needs to be done. Give it, some work,
and it ends up as pretty useable, but everything is a trade off. The weight of M-113 that can be lifted by CH-47 is a sub-capable death trap. However, most of the standard complaints about the M-113 can be solved.

You do need other types of vehicle to give you the required operational mobility. The modified M-113 is good for some situations. M-113 still dies very quick against IEDs compared to MRAP