Quote Originally Posted by SWJED View Post
This thread should die - but when it comes to mikey - it is a slow and painful death. If only he had passed his swim test as a Marine 2nd Lt we might have been spared all the pain and agony of his Internet rants and raves.

Hell hath no fury like a Marine scorned...

Quote Originally Posted by ibnEpaminondas View Post
I sincerely hope that Mike uses this news (http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/0...icles_072108w/) to reinvent himself and do something a little more productive. The potential is there...
I am certainly no defender of Mike Sparks, (who ever and how ever many people he may be) and he/they is/are his/their own worst enemy/ies, but the issues he/they raises are sometimes deserving of careful study. (and some are moon screamer out there!)

The M113 fiasco is his best known effort. Some of issues Mike raises (usually in error and usually over stated) ask some very serious questions about issues that reside at the very heart of military thought, and its relationships with technology and industry - and even though he comes off as some ranting extremist, a lot of his ideas, stripped of their emotional and abusive content, are more main stream than is comfortable for many.