Don't be sorry. That's rant material and is, IMO, a criminal waste of money. The Germans in WW II -- no slouches at this military business by anyone's admission -- had radios that were allowed to talk only one echelon up , to peers and one echelon down. IOW, a Battlaion could not even talk to a Platoon; Division could not talk to a Battalion. Our fetish for over control has held us back since the end of WW II; I've got control stories out of Korea that are mind-numbing and Viet Nam was worse. My kids last trip to Afghanistan produced some hilarious stories about the number of General Officers involved in company level decisions there...

The more we automate, the more people we need to run/watch/interpret/manipulate the automated systems. The end result is that increased automation of C2 has only made staffs bigger and the things they control--the units fighting--smaller.

