Orginally posted by Ken White:
Remember an informant and an agent aren't the same thing.
How easily terminology can make a difference, especially in dealing with this subject. Wonder if that has been the difference in some of the meanings and due to the terms used has misconstrued the point being made?

The third factor involves the Intel community (and to an extent the SO/SF community) and its operating methods. As a team Intel sergeant, I was several times ordered not to share Intel with neighboring units on the grounds that the guy who gave the order (An FA MAJ on an SF tour) determined they did not have the need to know -- even though usually they had specifically asked for certain info. I did what I was told but I did argue about it and I did not then and do not now, many years later, believe he made the right call. I have seen that syndrome many time both before and since that period. I have no problem with protecting sources and methods but I have too often seen those things used as a reason to deny needed intel to units. Knowledge is power and all that. I have also seen time and again reports by troops on the ground (Inf, LRS and SF) get ignored by Intel types at higher echelons even if multiple troop reports corroborated the item and they ignored it on the basis their technical means couldn't verify it. Numerous variations on those themes over the years. The point is that if the Intel guys want to do it all, they need to convince their customers -- the Troops -- that they're a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
I believe this truely gets to the heart of the problem. An old S3 of mine always told S2 "You look like you got a secret in your pocket and your not sharing." This happens all too much. Understandable at some levels but also avoidable. Experienced this in Afghanistan between conventional forces on an op and OGA on an op in the same area at the same time with neither knowing prior. This should have been handle at the G level staff prior, we were OPCON to the division. One of my biggest frustrations is simply no one is more special than someone else and if done correctly everyone looks good. Just don't understand the mentality of these folks.

Completely agree there is a huge intel problem and unfortunately those who have the ability to change it are not here reading this. A lot of it comes down to personal relationships and the ability to interact at levels beyond email.

Great posts and love drawing from others experience. Thanks