Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
I don't recall off hand the latest achievement of any peer competitors recently in airpower(at least not that we would be flying against that we know of),
but I seem to remember several instances of new subs showing up from somewhere
Iran is rumored to be buying almost 300 of these.

They can afford good training too. I have wondered if the variable thrust gives these planes the ability to outmaneuver one of our missiles. (I'm sure a AF guy can tell me.) If so, it seems to me that they could cause a lot of damage. Especially since the Iranians have a tradition of martyrdom.

I think that if all our fighters were in the Middle East, China might be tempted to grab Taiwan. Kim Jung Il might start feeling a little adventurous too. Do we want to take the chance or do we want to be prepared?

On the other hand, I am more than willing to take a chance that we can destroy any enemy subs we might possible need to sink without another sub.