Infantry attempting tank killing is actually well covered in concept terms. The Soviets developed the Corps level Machine Gun Artillery Battalions, and you also have the all the English and Simpkin stuff written in the 1980s.

While I am a fan of guided weapons in terms of infantry fire support I don't think infantry companies should aim to fight units of armoured vehicles, while dismounted. I think it requires highly mobile, well trained Formation level Guided Weapons Companies.

You have to be more mobile than the MBTs they are taking on, or else they can simply be evaded. I am also unsure of how useful the term "ambush" is. "Attack on a moving enemy" is useful, but lurking in a wood hoping the enemy is nice enough to drive by, is not the acme of tactical skill.

- yes you can hope that they are ordered to do something stupid, as in the Lebanon, but once they understand what you are doing, you are dead in you bunkers.

Yes I think there is a for dismounted infantry when taking on armoured formations, but I don't see it as being the decisive one.