Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
It is possible that the choices will default to the military (AB last para.), but that is not a military problem.

Here is my take (very much IMO).

My view is the equation: policy <> strategy <> operations <> tactics -- ideas move up and down the food chain. If they don't, the system breaks down. Note: I am not suggesting micro-manipulation from the top to the bottom. Ken and others can explain better how well that worked in Korea and Vietnam.
Personally I don't know of many folks who understand the differentiation between policy <> strategy <> operations <> tactics, and I include myself. Little I read today shows me that I am alone. As a I have said before, there is advice for Politicians, and advice for soldiers. Soldiers do what they are told. (compare and contrast the behaviour of Allenby with MacArthur.) Most of what I read relating to grand strategy seems not to want to make that distinction, and seems incapable of grasping the importance of that same distinction.

What is more, I am not really sure the study "strategy" and especially "grand strategy" is a true discipline. Part of me hopes it is, because it seems like an area where you can suggest all sorts of things without having to take responsibility for the outcomes.

Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
Does anyone think if we start a Big Wars Journal/Council some of the consistant concerns might be addressed.
Small Wars are the new Big Wars. It's just fashion! (-and this board does an excellent job of addressing both!)

Personally, I am very comfortable with small wars and COIN. Big Wars are real cans of worms.. but... having an Army that is prepared to do both is not hard! It just requires money, and good leadership. Anyone with a 14-year olds reading ability can be trained to do it.

What is more, you don't/won't have a choice. Wars in the 21st Century will contain elements of both, just as "old war" did. Both elements will rise and fall independently of each other and without warning.

I think this is pretty obvious to all the observers who don't have "skin" in the "Future of the US Army game".