Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post

Hint: Break down subject into two categories:

1. PRB (some refs in links on page 1) and agency's civil remedies per Snepp case. Google - lots of open source stuff.

2. Fed Criminal Statutes re: classified data - case of alleged Israeli spies in DC is recent. You will find that area something of a quagmire - where outright espionage is not involved. Same Google idea.

Answer is in links - along with known exceptions. Sources and methods can be deadly to some of our own people or their agents, even if the data is 30-40 years old. X > Y > Z.

Not necessarily; agency GC may elect not to go civil - DoJ may decide not to prosecute. What's the criteria ?

You tell me.

I'll do a little research and get back to you in a day or two, I got a few other things on my plate at this second. In the meantime I'll be sure not to expose any state secrets.