Quote Originally Posted by Michael F View Post
Thanks again, i sure will use this as a main reference.
A Mundele.
On a serious note, I would warn you that there are special varieties of Lingala, depending on where to intend to establish your domicile on this mission. As early as 93, delinquent urban youth actually created a version of Lingala (call it a social movement or special language) which replaced certain functions in the Lingala language such as repertoire and expression.

The only way to describe this new lingo in K-town would be something like RAP music in the USA and Europe. However, these delinquents are by no means a nice bunch of folks to be around. Leaving Gombe as a foreigner in my day was foolish (well, I had Tom along ).

Spend a little time listening, and a lot of time observing. We used to have a two-man rule for visiting pilots, soldiers, etc. By no means a bad idea.

Remember the Rose colored glasses you purportedly own ? Don't wear them to the DRC please !

Regards, Stan