Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
Research says that is difficult and unlikly. One study that supports that shows higher rates of PTSD among LEO's then comabt vets! Emotions are addictive in a sense. Open those flood gates and it is hard to close them again. I'm as type "B" as one can get, but I have been restless and wanting to go back ever since I deployed to Iraq in '03. I think the "instant" mode switcher is a myth or at the very least, very very rare.
and little more.

My estimate is that the number of folks who can successfully make that switch is about 30%. Another 30% are not designed for combat or LE like stress (though many can and will do it if forced with varying MH results) and the remainder can hack it and are generally but varyingly successful in tolerating the trauma. Willingness or ability (desire or wishes have little to do with it) to accept violence is the issue; that simple.

Interesting how those estimates track with the 1/3 Rule on wars...