In today's society where so many people try to justify their existence have we created something out of nothing? I think most of us can agree that war is a life changing experience for most if not all service members. I can tell you how it affected me........I cannot stand admin stuff that has absolutely nothing to with making my ability to take the fight to enemy and come back alive. There has been more screenings and assessments put upon us in recent years than ever before and why? Because some supposed expert somewhere says your not the same person.......well no sh*t, I look at things differently now. If we didn't have the victim mentality in society from the start how many of these people would be better prepared for the realities of war? It is not the Hollywood glory so many think and when they find out the truth they want nothing else to do with it. We have created our own monster and now we must deal with it. Yes I have buddies you have come back mentally unstable, a prime example is 23 year old who did 3 trips in 3 years with a divorce in the middle of it all, losing two team mates, and getting blown up himself. He did not have enough life experience to handle the issues at hand. Only after we got him home and hanging out with us around the bonfire with lots of alcohol did he no longer need meds....he talked about what he was going through with others who had been there in their own experiences. Yes, I am proud to say I belong to an organization that polices it's own and takes care of them. Some shrink who has no clue of what it is like is not going to be able to that. These guys that have legitimate problems need their own guys around them. Now same guy goes to get his VA assessment and is told he needs to prove his injuries are combat related. I guess purple hearts now mean peace time wounds to VA. I have serious issues with the system and will be the first one to tell anyone it's worthless and the experts need to go elsewhere, good units will take care of their own as they have done in the past, when they don't hammer the command for failing their soldiers and quit treating the soldiers as victims. We are an all volunteer force, you signed the contract, sorry the college money is no longer free, sorry you now need to earn it. Then explain why one soldier loses a limb and fights his way back into his job, while the next one is crying poor me?