Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
That's definitely true, though obviously not always possible. The joint procedures developed a few years ago have helped immensely, but IMO there is still too little communication between lower levels and air and ground units are too often not on distro for each others basics like mission summaries, etc. My unit in OEF (CSAR, HH-60's) supported the Army quite a bit and it was like pulling teeth sometimes to get information on what the Army was doing (CSAR was a CFACC asset ostensibly there in case a pilot went down but we were used almost exclusively for medevacs, especially high-risk ones the Army couldn't do). At the same time, I'm not sure if the Army ever got our products (since they went up to the CFACC first), but I did forward them to people I thought might be interested if I had a POC. Anyway, I could launch into a long tirade but that is probably best for another thread. At least that was the case back in 2005 - hopefully things have changed.
I was force branched from Armor to Transportation because my unit needed a Terminal Transportation Officer during the latter part of OIF I.

I swear, if another Army officer demands that they be given control of an Air Force asset, my head will physically explode. There is definitely a culture clash and language separation between the services.

And to a certain respect I feel your pain.