Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
...To simply blame your failures on a small faction of trouble makers, or on some particular ideology and demand that the populace stop being rediculous and recognize the effectiveness of their governance and be happy is the kind of stereotype that we Americans laugh at in stories about the American Revolution...
I can generally agree with the first four paragraphs. The one dissected above and below herein sort of confuses me. Sorry, you'll have to forgive me, I'm old...

I could make a very valid argument that the American Revolution was in fact started by a small faction of trouble makers and that many in the populace of the time here were in fact being ridiculous -- but all that is for another thread and another time. For this thread:
...Now that it is happening to us, it appears we are just as blind as our British cousins were. Ironic, yes. Tragically avoidable? Equally yes, I say.
Now that what is happening to us? In what way are we blind? What could we do to avoid 'it?'