Not a problem. Due to the "thumb drive ban" this isn't something I can do over lunch. Will track down the trons and see about getting it up this weekend.

It really is a bit "CARVER" like in that it boils it down to "what projects should I do at the squad level to achieve my strategic COIN effects; and which Nodes should I target (or as important, not target) and which HVIs make those nodes function for the CT side, again to achieve the strategic effect. Whole idea is to achieve a focus and efficiency of effort. I don't have to worry so much about a elaborate EBO assessment on the back end if I did focused COG based planning on the front end.

I will say this though, this is theory. When I had an opportunity to operationalize at theater level, the intel community could not make the transition from "bad guy focus" to "environment focus." Since then the intel community has come to recognize that it needs to evolve, but they have a long ways to go.