What I would like to see, is a study where groups are given variable amounts of pre- and post- deployment PTSD counselling, and then studied for the incidence and seriousness of PTSD. I'm wondering to what extent "suggestibility" plays in the formation of PTSD.

There were similar studies in WWII, but I'm wondering if they would be deemed ethical, today.

Just in case anyone is interested, I had to argue with the doc to pass my PHA, because my vitals are too low. RHR of 39, BP of 108 over 60 and body temp of 97 degrees. All of which are normal for me, when I'm in shape. One more gripe to add to my laundry list about the medical profession and the lack of actual "thought" that goes through docs' heads. Evidently "normal" once arbitrarily defined by the quacks becomes a graven in stone "fact". Damned near got sent to the Emergency room "just in case".

Evidently you aren't allowed to be in great shape in some "systems." Also, the doc vapor-locked over the TBI questionnaire, just like I thought. If you answer "yes" to the TBI question, you must fill out the questionnaire, which you cannot fill out if your TBI wasn't combat-related.