from Ken
Detroit was a beautiful example of a fiasco that didn't need to happen. Corrupt Police and incompetent and poorly trained ArNG folks made a bad situation far worse than it needed to be.
and, in light of your "in country" service amidst the trolls, you are an honorary Yooper - has absolutely no benefits, a lot of detriments; but is an "honor" that cannot be declined.


OK, you're back on track - some quibbles as to jots and tittles, but we'll let those go for now. Something of a problem with this one:

3. If any given ideology is ever "defeated" or fails to be effective for whatever reason, so long as the conditions giving rise to insurgency still exist, the insurgent simply picks up a new one and continues to fight. Ideology is like an infantryman and his rifle. He has to have one, but if his breaks, is captured, or lost, he can pick up another and continue the fight.
Absent conversion, an ideology cannot be "defeated" - its proponents can be. If facts change, methods, etc., have to change - so, in a sense the ideology changes. I'd call that improvise, adapt and overcome. It is not that easy to develop a new ideology from scratch. So, I doubt that the "soldier" will say "Boy, this ideology ain't working today. I'll just pick up this one."

Using your analogy, my AR15 is broken, so I'll pick up my CAR15 - go to something similar. Have no doubt that someone can cite an example where an insurgent did a complete 180, but I expect that is rare.

As to Mao's 4 changes, I suspect they were agitprop changes in the content of the public message; but post what they were and I stand to be educated.